TM 1-1500-204-23-11
Pour adhesive into hypodermic
If no disbond/delamination exists
syringe. Attach needle.
after repair, or delamination is
within system speciic technical
Maintain part at the speciied injec-
manual limits for negligible dam-
tion temperature.
age, reinish per step (l) below.
If disbond/delamination exceeds
Allow the
negligible damage limits, contact
adhesive to low until it is free of
engineering for disposition.
Remove heat lamp.
Wipe off
excess adhesive with clean, dry
Sand the area smooth with 180 grit
wiping cloth.
abrasive paper. Vacuum sanding
dust from repair area. Wipe with
Cover the injection area with lash
clean, dry wiping cloth.
breaker tape.
Apply inish system in accordance
speciic technical manual.
Failure to properly cure adhesive in accor-
dance with the speciied cure cycle will result in
7-9. EDGE DAMAGE. Some unique methods are
reduced repair strength may not be detectable
available for repairing panel edges depending upon
by visual or nondestructive inspection. This
the extent of damage and the type of structure. For
may result in loss of structural integrity.
solid laminates, very small repairs may simply require
fairing out the damaged area. Larger repairs for
Too much pressure using a clamping device
delaminations may require resin injection or scaring
may damage the sandwich panel.
and rebuilding of the area. When working with hon-
eycomb panels, the repairs may be similar depending
Apply pressure using clamps, release
upon the panel edge coniguration. If the extent of
the damage includes the honeycomb core itself, core
replacement techniques must be used in accordance
to cure or set at according to the sys-
tem speciic technical manual. Heat
may be applied as required using an
For repairs requiring fairing, scaring, core replace-
approved heat lamp or other approved
ment, resin injection, and/or laminate rebuilding, pro-
source. Operate heat lamps per para-
cedures in the applicable section of this technical
manual may be followed. Customizing of the pro-
is used, remove clamp, release ilm
cesses as they apply to panel edges will be required,
and backup plate after a minimum of 8
consideration for factors such as envelope bagging,
hours. Allow to dwell at room tempera-
forming repair plies over the edge, and fastener holes
ture for a minimum of 5 days.
in the repair area. The following limitations and pro-
cedures provide for repair of composite edge damage.
Remove any resin lash, deburr, and
Composite edge damage includes both delamination
clean up the repair area.
and penetration. The edge damage occurs along the
(k) Reinspect the disbonded/delaminated
edges of composite doors, panels, etc. The defect
area using NDI.