TM 1-1500-204-23-11
Fit injection nozzles into the holes
Tape over existing holes and rein-
at each end of the delamination.
spect using NDI to map disbonded
Tape over intermediate holes with
lash breaker tape.
Repeat step 4 to step 6 above. If
airlow still does not exist, proceed
Attach a piece of tubing to one noz-
zle and submerge the other end in
a container of water.
(g) Remove nozzle and tape from holes.
Attach other nozzle to sealant gun
(h) Ensure no moisture is present.
cartridge without plunger and place
moisture is present, perform moisture
cartridge in sealant gun. Attach a
regulated source of compressed air
to sealant gun.
Reduced strength will result if the incorrect
mix ratio is used, if an excessive amount
Air pressure must not exceed 20 psi.
of air is introduced into the adhesive during
mixing, or if mixing is inadequate and may
Apply pressure with air regulator
result in loss of structural integrity.
set for 20 psi through sealant gun
into the disbond.
Pressure must be applied to adhesive within
the pot life of the resin. For ambient temper-
Check water for bubbles to make
atures in excess of 90 F, decrease this time
sure airlow exists. If airlow exists
by 50%. An unsatisfactory repair will result
go to (g) below. If airlow does not
if the resin gels before adequate pressure is
exist, go to step 6 and 7 below.
applied and may result in loss of structural
integrity. Select and prepare a heat blanket