TM 1-1500-204-23-11
(if required) and all necessary vacuum bag
Prepare the amount of resin required to
materials prior to mixing resin.
ill the disbond/repair volume. Prepare
and Use, for the proper measuring and mixing
Pour adhesive into injection car-
(k) Cure Adhesive.
tridge. Attach nozzle.
Tape over all injection holes with
Tape over intermediate injection
lash breaker tape.
holes with lash breaker tape.
Using a clamping device, release
Attach a regulated source of com-
ilm, and backing plates, apply
pressed air to sealant gun. Set air
pressure to the repair area.
regulator for 20 psi and inject adhe-
sive, using sealant gun and noz-
Invert the component so that adhe-
zle, into one hole and ill until adhe-
sive may ill the disbond area and
sive lows clear from another hole.
not low down into honeycomb
Remove tape from one hole at a
core. Inverting the component may
time. Inject adhesive into each hole
cause some adhesive to low out
until it lows freely from the other
of taped injection holes. A small
holes and is free of bubbles.
amount of outlow is acceptable. If
outlow becomes excessive, cover
Wipe off excess adhesive with
the area with release ilm and tape
clean, dry wiping cloth.
a metal plate beneath the area.
Allow adhesive to set at ambient
temperature for a minimum of 8
hours. As an alternative, the adhe-
sive/iller may be set using a heat
Failure to properly cure adhesive in accor-
dance with the speciied cure cycle will result in
reduced repair strength may not be detectable
by visual or nondestructive inspection. This
may result in loss of structural integrity.