TM 1-1500-204-23-11
i. Skin to Closure Member Disbond and Delami-
nations. This repair is applicable to disbonds and
delaminations between a composite skin and a com-
posite closure member which are open to the part
Failure to properly cure adhesive in accor-
edge. The closure member may be a channel, rib, or
dance with the speciied cure cycle will result in
spar; however, this procedure applies to nonmetallic
reduced repair strength may not be detectable
closure members only. Disbonds between composite
by visual or nondestructive inspection. This
skin and metallic substructure members require engi-
may result in loss of structural integrity.
or corrosion of the metallic member. Additional sur-
Cure adhesive using the cure
face preparation of the metal may also be required.
cycle in the system speciic tech-
This repair is usually limited to disbonds not larger
nical manual or speciied by the
than 4 inches in length which are contained within
adhesive manufacturer per engi-
1/2 inch of the part edge. Refer to the system spe-
neering.. The component may be
ciic technical manual for damage limits. This repair
placed right side up after the adhe-
procedure is not necessarily applicable to a partic-
sive has set. Bag according to
ular weapon system. The applicability of this repair
depends upon additional factors such as loading con-
ditions and laminate thickness. Consult the system
cure is used, allow to dwell at room
speciic technical manual or engineering for further
temperature for a minimum of 5
guidance. Refer to igure 7-42 for the Process Flow
Diagram for Skin to Closure Member Disbond and
Delamination Repair.
After cure remove tape and release
ilm (if used) or debag.
Reinspect the disbonded area using
(m) If the disbond still exists after repair,
refer to the system speciic technical
manual to determine if damage is within
negligible damage limits or penetration
damage limits.
If disbond is not within penetration
damage limits, contact engineering
for disposition.
If disbond is within penetration
damage limits, repair in accor-
If disbond is within technical man-
ual limits for negligible damage,
seal per step (n) below.
(n) Seal the injection holes by repairing the
laminate according to the system spe-
Closure Member
7-4. Any of the methods for laminate
(1) Facilities, Equipment and Materials. The
repair; cocured, cobonded or secon-
following equipment and materials are required:
darily bonded, may be utilized for skin
Heat Lamp, Clamps, Temperature/Vacuum Con-
troller, Syringe, Hypodermic, Needles, Hypodermic,
20 Gauge, 1 1/2 Inch, Flash breaker Tape, Adhesive,
(o) Apply inish system in accordance with
Liquid (See System Speciic Technical Manual), Sol-
vent, Silicon Carbide Abrasive Paper, Wiping Cloth,
technical manual.
Release Film.