TM 1-1500-204-23-11
Prepare and apply iller.
DO NOT use oil or oil based materials
as NDI couplants on advanced composite
Reduced strength will result if the incorrect
components. Use only water or water based
mix ratio is used, if an excessive amount of
materials. Disbonds may result and loss of
air is introduced into the resin during mixing,
structural integrity may occur.
or if mixing is inadequate and may result in
loss of structural integrity.
(b) Deine both the depth and extent of the
damage using NDI according to para-
Estimate the amount of iber loc
illed adhesive iller is required in
nical manual. Lay out the damage as
grams by multiplying the approxi-
mate area in inches of the dam-
age by thirty. Area is determined by
(c) Remove NDI couplant by wiping with
multiplying the depth by the length
clean, water moistened cloth.
by the width of the area (D x L x W).
(d) Remove paint from skin in the repair
Prepare the estimated amount of
area by sanding as described in para-
iber illed adhesive iller required
the system speciic technical man-
(e) Remove partial thickness damage as
ual does not specify the iller mix
ratio, use a iller mix ratio (mrF) =
Reinspect the damage removal area
Apply iller in the damaged area
using NDI to ensure no skin delamina-
using a spatula. Bring lush with
tions remain below the damage area.
outer moldline surface of part.
Remove air bubbles as required.
DO NOT sand into laminate when removing
Cure of iller will be achieved during patch
paint. When working on a carbon iber lami-
bond step.
nate, a black colored dust on the sandpaper
indicates that sanding into the laminate has
Add additional iller as required to
occurred and carbon iber is being removed.
allow for shrinkage.
If this occurs, the sanding process should
(k) Tape release ilm over iller with high
be stopped immediately. A loss of structural
temperature tape. Allow to set at room
integrity may occur if ibers are exposed or
temperature until it can be sanded
(approximately 8 hours). As an alterna-
(g) Dry repair area as described in para-
tive, the adhesive/iller may be set using
a heat lamp. Use the cure cycle iden-
remove subsurface moisture.
tiied in the system speciic technical
manual to set the adhesive/iller. Oper-
(h) Prepare area for iller application by
lightly hand sanding with 150-180 grit
abrasive paper as described in para-
Refer to the system speciic techni-
cal for patch selection.
pre-cured patches may come in two
forms: large sheets from which the cor-
prepared surface of the part wearing
rect size patch is machined and circular
powder free latex gloves until after iller
application is complete. If iller is not
are to be used without further machin-
to be applied immediately, cover with
clean barrier material and secure with
preservation tape to prevent contamina-
If using a large sheet, cut patch
to the required dimensions from