TM 1-1500-204-23-11
Table 7-1.
General Description of Different Repair Types -- Continued
Constraints and
Type of Repair
Damaged core material
Honeycomb sandwich
Sandwich Core Repair
Greater structural
removed. Plug cut from
panels using aluminum or
(Honeycomb Plug)
capability than foam
honeycomb and itted
Nomex honeycomb.
repair. Core plug repair
to cavity. Plug bonded
may be dificult if panel
in place with ilm or
varies in thickness.
paste adhesive. Face
Two-sided access
sheet repaired using one
required for through
of the laminate repair
Module Repair
Large area damage to
Metal parts must be
Section of the airframe
structures designed for
structurally and chemically
(module) containing the
modular repair.
compatible with the
damage is removed
parent structure. Module
by cutting through
replacement may require
the structure (skin and
substantial disassembly
interior members) along
of system hardware in
designated splice lines.
the affected area of the
A replacement module
airframe. Maintenance
is drawn from supply
time may be extensive.
or cannibalized from an
irreparable aircraft and
rivet holes are drilled
along the edges of the
module and the cutout
in the fuselage. Splice
straps and gussets are
formed from standard
sheet metal stock and the
replacement module is
installed with the metal
splices and mechanical
this repair depends upon additional factors such as
. The following paragraphs provide generic procedures
loading conditions and laminate thickness. Refer to
for performing cosmetic repair to a surface dent or
the system speciic technical manual for applicable
scratch with no broken ibers or delamination present.
damage limits. 7-1 is a low diagram that depicts
This repair procedure is not necessarily applicable
process repairing surface damage.
to a particular weapon system. The applicability of