TM 1-1740-221-13&P&P
Test Equipment
Tools and Special Tools
Equipment Condition
Engine Shut Down and Cool
Personnel Required
91B, Light Wheel Vehicle Mechanic
Visually inspect fuel shutdown solenoid mount security, wiring and wiring connector for corrosion and breaks
in insulation.
Fuel Solenoid Supply Voltage
1. Disconnect electrical connector (Figure 1, Item 1).
2. Place ignition switch to the run position.
3. Measure the voltage at the connector, wire 50 to ground.
4. Voltage measured should be 12 VDC. Troubleshoot circuit wiring if voltage is not present.
5. Crank engine and measure the voltage at the connector, wire 3 to ground.
6. Voltage measured should be 12 VDC. Troubleshoot circuit wiring if voltage is not present.
7. Turn ignition switch off.
8. Connect electrical connector (Figure 1, Item 1).
Fuel Solenoid Ohms Check
1. Disconnect electrical connector (Figure 1, Item 1) from shut-off solenoid (Figure 1, Item 2).
2. Ohms check the solenoid across the 2 input pins.
3. Resistance measured should be 16 ohms nominally.
4. Ininity reading across the solenoid coils indicates a faulty coil.
5. Replace fuel solenoid if ohms check fails.
Fuel Solenoid Rod Movement
1. Remove fuel solenoid, this work package.
2. Ground solenoid case to vehicle chassis.
3. Turn ignition switch "on" and "off" and observe solenoid rod movement.
4. Fuel solenoid rod should move in and out freely. If rod does not move freely, replace fuel solenoid
(Figure 1, Item 2).
5. With solenoid grounded, crank engine for 2 seconds.
6. Observe rod movement. Fuel solenoid rod should move in and out freely. If rod does not move freely, replace
fuel solenoid (Figure 1, Item 2).