TM 1-1500-204-23-11
if the resin gels before adequate pressure is
11 Perform NDI of rib according to the
applied and may result in loss of structural
system speciic technical manual
integrity. Select and prepare a heat blanket
(if required) and all necessary vacuum bag
materials prior to mixing resin.
12 Using a 90 degree router motor and
a diamond coated cutting wheel,
Prepare liquid adhesive as
trim repair rib length to ensure the
required overlap is achieved. Save
to the system speciic technical
excess material for the rib spacer.
manual for the amount of resin to
use for each square foot of cloth.
(h) Fabricate Splice Plates.
Impregnate woven carbon cloth per
Splice plates shall be at least 3
inches in width to ensure a mini-
mum overlap exists for splice plate
Using the cutting template manu-
to parent skin bond and splice plate
factured above, cut impregnated
to skin spacer bond.
From pre-cured patch material, cut
two laminate pieces to the shape
Use a 90 degree router motor and
diamond coated cutting wheel.
Failure to observe the correct number of repair
plies, the correct repair ply orientation, the
Drill three 1/8 inch diameter holes
correct repair ply overlap and removal of all
in both splice plates for temporary
pieces of vacuum bagging ilm will reduce the
fastener installation. Centerline of
strength of the repair and may result in the
holes shall be 0.75 inch from edge
loss of structural integrity.
Layup the plies using the Flat Ply
Collation Technique described in
Remove peel ply from splice plates.
Fabricate Rib Spacers.
From the
Apply the layup to the DVD tool and
excess repair rib material saved above,
perform debulking using the debulk
cut two laminate pieces same width as
cycle per system speciic techni-
the parent rib and as long as necessary
cal manual. Refer to the system
to ensure a good it up with the parent
speciic technical manual for the
rib. Use a 90 degree router motor and
type and number of bleeder plies
diamond coated cutting wheel.
Fabricate Skin Spacers.
pre-cured patch material, cut two lam-
inate pieces to the shape illustrated in
Failure to properly cure adhesive in accor-
dance with the speciied cure cycle will result in
(k) Allow pieces to be 1/4 inch larger than
reduced repair strength may not be detectable
the part. Use a 90 degree router motor
by visual or nondestructive inspection. This
and diamond coated cutting wheel. Do
may result in loss of structural integrity.
not taper edge.
Form the DVD layup to the repair
Drill Holes in the Parent Skin.
rib tool, vacuum bag the lay-up to
the tool, and pre-cure the laminate
Lay splice plate on upper moldline
according the system speciic tech-
(UML) skin and mark the skin for
10 Following cure, disassemble vac-
Mate drill 1/8 inch diameter holes
uum bag and carefully remove rib.