TM 1-1270-476-30
(5) Install one screw (36) and washer (37)
in top center mounting position 1 of
night sensor shroud support assembly.
Tighten screw until snug.
(6) Install screw (27) and washer (28)
through cushion clamp (25) holding
filter module (26) and insert in bottom
center mounting position 2. Tighten
screw until snug.
(7) Apply corrosion inhibitive sealing and
coating compound to remaining screws
(para 2-6). Use class 1A application.
Apply to each screw just before
(8) Install screw (23) and washer (24)
through cushion clamp (22) in mounting
position 8. Tighten screw until snug.
(9) Install remaining screws (36) and
washers (37) in order illustrated in
mounting positions 3, 5 thru 7, and 9
thru 11. Tighten screws until snug.
(10) Install screws (20) and washers (21)
through cushion clamp (18) in mounting
position 4 and 13. Tighten screws until
(11) Prepare surfaces at mounting positions
12 and 14 for electrical bonding (para
(12) Assemble mounting hardware for each
bonding strap assembly installation.
Order of assembly is as follows: screw
(30), lockwasher (31), small washer
(32), bonding strap terminal lug (29),
and large washer (33).
(13) Install one set of mounting hardware
with bonding strap assembly in
mounting positions 12 and 14. Tighten
screw until snug.