TM 1-1500-204-23-11
part. Ensure the proper ply
plies until all plies have been
orientation is maintained.
placed in the proper stacking
Form the ply to the surface
sequence on the lat surface,
contour of the part and
while maintaining the speciied
remove ply wrinkles using a
ply orientation for each ply in
clean roller or spatula.
Remove the second piece of
Transfer collated plies from
release ilm from the surface
the lat tool plate to the layup
of the installed ply.
tool or part. Form the plies
to the surface contour of the
layup tool or part and remove
Repeat the steps above for the
wrinkles using the adhesive
remaining plies. Place plies in
the proper stacking sequence
over the part, maintaining the
d. Method 2, Vacuum Assisted Impregnation. T-
speciied ply orientation for
each ply in the lay-up. The
he vacuum assisted impregnation method is used to
entire process, from mixing
impregnate repair fabric with a two-part resin while
the resin to completing the
enclosed inside a vacuum bag. This method is
patch application, should not
preferred for tight-knit weaves and when near opti-
exceed the pot life of the resin.
mum resin-to-iber ratio is required. Compared to
squeegee impregnation, this process reduces the level
of entrapped air within the fabric and offers a more
Flat Ply Collation Tech-
controlled and contained coniguration for completing
the impregnation process; however, at ambient tem-
peratures above 80 F, or with epoxies that have a
Cut a layer of release ilm at
pot life of less than 90 minutes, the resin will probably
least 1 inch larger than the
cure before it is applied to the repair area.
largest ply of the laminate.
Tape to the lat surface.
(1) Tools, Equipment, and Materials Require-
d. The following items are required to perform Vacuum
Remove one of the pieces
Assisted Impregnation: Vacuum source, lines, and
of release ilm from the irst
ports, Gloves (latex, nitrile, etc., Eye protection, Cut-
ply of the laminate and place
the resin impregnated surface
Smooth worktable or 1/4 inch caul plate, Scale, Bag-
of the ply. Place the resin
ging ilm, Breather material, Transparent non-porous
impregnated surface of the
ilm (vacuum bag, release ilm, etc.), Vacuum Bag
ply onto the release ilm taped
Sealant Tape or Vacuum Bag Repair Materials Kit,
to the lat surface in step a
Repair fabric (See System Speciic Technical Manual),
above. Ensure the proper ply
Laminating resin (See System Speciic Technical Man-
orientation is maintained. See
ual), Mixing cups and sticks, Adhesive tape (masking
tape, lash breaker tape, etc.)
Remove the second piece
(2) Procedure. Follow these steps to perform
of vacuum bag ilm from the
Method 2, Vacuum Assisted Impregnation. Refer to
surface of the installed ply.
Repeat steps (b) and (c)
above for the remaining