TM 1-1500-204-23-11
(k) Align the orientation for the ply being cut
with the ibers (uni-tape) or warp direc-
tion of the repair material (woven fab-
ing the resin. Using an adhesive
spreader such as a brush or spat-
ula, apply a thin layer of adhesive
onto layup area just prior to laying
Trace around the periphery of the tem-
up irst ply.
plate using a permanent ink marker.
Remove the template and mark
If layup is to be pre-cured and sec-
each ply tracing with its orientation
ondarily bonded, tape a layer of
(0,90,+45,-45, etc.) and ply number.
release ilm over the layup tool/part.
Release ilm should be at least 1
(m) Look through the release ilm and ind
inch larger than the largest ply of
a warp yarn traveling down the approx-
the repair patch/detail. Using an
imate center of the ply and trace it onto
adhesive spreader such as a brush
the release ilm to aid in proper ply ori-
or spatula, apply a thin layer of
entation during the lay-up process.
adhesive to the release ilm in the
layup area.
(n) Cut each individual ply using scissors.
Avoid distorting the repair plies during
(p) Make a ply layup log similar to the one
beginning layup. Mark on the log as
(o) Prepare the layup tool following these
each ply is laid up to prevent stacking
steps. Follow step 1 for a cocured
sequence errors.
wet layup and step 2 for pre-cured wet
If wet layup is to be cocured onto
part, clean and prepare the surface