TM 1-1500-204-23-11
(multiple pools, donut shapes, and ran-
the repair patch/detail. Using an
dom patterns can entrap air). Scrape
adhesive spreader such as a brush
the cup to ensure the calculated amount
or spatula, apply a thin layer of
of resin is placed on the fabric.
adhesive to the release ilm in the
layup area.
(m) Fold the non-porous ilm over along the
(s) Make a ply layup log similar to the one
creased centerline so it covers the dry
fabric and resin pool. Remove the paper
beginning layup. Mark on the log as
backing from the sealant tape and seal
each ply is laid up to prevent stacking
the vacuum bag. Pierce the ilm at the
sequence errors.
vacuum port base, insert the vacuum
port pass-through, tighten, and apply
Layup the composite plies. Plies may
vacuum. Check sealant tape seal for
be laid using either the lat plate col-
lation technique (plies laid up on a lat
tool plate) described in step 2 below or
(n) Using a squeegee or other nonabrasive
the individual ply technique (plies laid
spreading tool, carefully impregnate the
up individually on a part surface or tool)
fabric as evenly as possible; work out-
described in step 1. below:
wards from the center of the resin pool
adjusting as necessary. Keep all the
resin in the fabric and maintain the fab-
ric alignment.
Failure to observe the correct number of repair
(o) Mark the fabric s warp direction onto the
plies, the correct repair ply orientation, the
correct repair ply overlap and removal of all
pieces of vacuum bagging ilm will reduce the
(p) Place the template on the release ilm.
strength of the repair and may result in the
Align the orientation for the ply being cut
loss of structural integrity.
with the ibers or warp direction of the
ply material. Trace around the periph-
Layup: Individual Ply Technique.
ery of the template using a permanent
ink marker. Mark each ply with its orien-
Remove one of the pieces
tation and ply number.
of release ilm from the irst
ply of the laminate and place
(q) Cut each individual ply using scissors.
the resin impregnated surface
Avoid distorting the repair plies during
of the ply on the prepared
part. Ensure the proper ply
orientation is maintained.
Form the ply to the surface
Prepare the layup tool. Follow step 1
below for a cocured wet layup and step
contour of the part and
2 below for pre-cured wet layup.
remove ply wrinkles using a
clean roller or spatula.
If wet layup is to be cocured onto
part, clean and prepare the surface
Remove the second piece of
release ilm from the surface
of the installed ply.
ing the resin. Using an adhesive
spreader such as a brush or spat-
Repeat the steps above for the
ula, apply a thin layer of adhesive
remaining plies. Place plies in
onto layup area just prior to laying
the proper stacking sequence
up irst ply.
over the part, maintaining the
speciied ply orientation for
If layup is to be pre-cured and sec-
each ply in the layup. The
ondarily bonded, tape a layer of
entire process, from mixing
release ilm over the layup tool/part.
the resin to completing the
Release ilm should be at least 1
patch application, should not
inch larger than the largest ply of
exceed the pot life of the resin.