TM 1-1500-204-23-11
(c) Using the powered sander, continue
(e) Record the orientation of each ply
working the scarf joint back to the scarf
removed with reference to a convenient
outline dimension determined to obtain
the proper scarf slope. Sand carefully
Example. For most parts, this template
as the composite material is removed
provides a reference that will allow all
quickly. As the scarf outline dimension
plies to be oriented at 0, +45, and 90
is approached, use a sanding block and
degrees. Draw the coordinate axis
80 grit abrasive paper to inish the scarf
system on the part, outside the paint
Indicate the positive directions.
(d) Finish sanding the area inside the
masked area, including the border, with
150 to 180 grit abrasive (by hand or by
power sander).