TM 1-1500-204-23-11
(af) Install fasteners and inspect according
(ag) When repairing weight critical struc-
tures, add the weight of the repair(s)
and the zone location(s) to the applica-
ble nameplate.
(ah) Apply inish system in accordance with
technical manual.
structures often experience damage in the form of
ply delaminations and matrix cracks. The damage
may be either open or closed to an edge (see igure
7-31). Delaminations and cracks which are not open
to an edge are dificult to repair via the injection
method. The method often suggested to repair this
type of damage is to drill a series of holes around the
cracked/delaminated area and inject those holes with
cessful. Matrix cracks and delaminations are often
too small and are not interconnected. The currently
available resin systems do not possess suficient low
application of injection repair techniques is limited to
delaminations which are either open to an edge or
involve a clearly deined blister.