TM 1-1500-204-23-11
part. If no full size holes are drilled,
secure the part in place with tape.
Install temporary fasteners in any
full size holes in the replacement
Use the hole inder to check the
part. If no full size holes are drilled,
alignment of each pilot hole with the
secure the part in place with tape.
corresponding hole in the structure.
Using the hole inder, locate and
Remove the part from the structure
drill several pilot hole locations on
and enlarge several pilot holes to
the replacement part.
full size. Use several intermediate
size drills to bring holes to inal size.
Remove the replacement part from
Be careful to keep drills centered
the structure and enlarge the pilot
on the fastener holes.
holes to full size. Use several inter-
mediate size drills to bring holes to
Reinstall the replacement part on
inal size. Be careful to keep drills
the structure with temporary fasten-
centered on the fastener holes.
ers in the full size holes. Recheck
the part for hole alignment.
Reinstall the replacement part on
the structure with temporary fasten-
ers in the full size holes. Recheck
the part for hole alignment.
Make sure drill bit does not damage substruc-
Using the hole inder, locate and
Make sure drill bit does not damage substruc-
drill any remaining pilot hole loca-
tions on the replacement part.
Using the hole inder, locate and
Remove the replacement part
drill any remaining pilot hole loca-
from the structure and enlarge the
tions on the replacement part.
remaining pilot holes to full size.
Use several intermediate size drills
to bring holes to inal size. Be care-
Remove the replacement part
ful to keep drills centered on the
from the structure and enlarge the
fastener holes.
remaining pilot holes to full size.
Use several intermediate size drills
Deburr any holes drilled in metal.
to bring holes to inal size. Be care-
ful to keep drills centered on the
(b) Locate blind holes when the replace-
fastener holes.
ment part without pilot holes.
Deburr any holes drilled in metal.
Fabricate the hole inder using ig-
(2) Blind Hole Transfer Punches. The blind
hole transfer punch method is a simple, easy method
Place the replacement part on the
of accurately transferring blind holes into a part. This
method uses prick punches inserted into the existing
fastener holes. The replacement part is positioned
over the punches such that the hole centerline is
Make sure drill bit does not damage substruc-
depicts this hole transfer method. This should only
be used on metal replacement parts.