TM 1-1500-204-23-11
wearing powder free latex gloves until
This repair procedure is not necessarily applicable to
patch bonding is complete. If patch is
a particular weapon system. Refer to igure 7-14 for
not to be bonded immediately, cover
the Process Flow Diagram for Core Repair, Paste
with clean barrier material and secure
Adhesive Method. Consult the system speciic tech-
nical manual or engineering for guidance on using
this technique.
Fabricate repair patch(es) according to
technical manual. Any of the meth-
ods; cocured, cobonded or secondarily
bonded may be utilized for skin repair.
(k) NDI Patch Bond(s).
Visually inspect adhesive squeeze
out at patch edge as described in
Perform NDI of patch to skin and
patch to iller bond areas to verify
bondline integrity.
tem speciic technical manual.
DO NOT sand into laminate near patch edge
when sanding adhesive squeeze out.
(m) Reinish.
Sand area smooth with 180 grit
Repair, Paste Adhesive Method
abrasive paper. Vacuum the sand-
ing dust from the repair area. Wipe
(1) Facilities, Equipment and Materials. The
with clean wiping cloth to remove
following equipment and materials are required: Vac-
sanding residue.
uum Cleaner, HEPA Filter, Dual Action Sander or
90 degree die-grinder and sanding mandrel, Weights,
Apply inish system in accordance
Shot Bags, Heat Blanket, Temperature/Vacuum Con-
troller, Flash breaker Tape, Adhesive, Paste (See
speciic technical manual.
System Speciic Technical Manual), Spatula, , Sili-
con Carbide Abrasive Paper, Aluminum Sheet Stock,
d. Paste Adhesive Method. Paste adhesives can
0.063 inches or thicker (Local Procurement), Wiping
be used to bond replacement core plugs to parent
Cloth, Vacuum Bag Repair Materials Kit, Core (See
structure core sidewalls and to opposite skin inner
System Speciic Technical Manual), Copper Sheet,
surfaces (if applicable). This method is typically used
Mylar, Clear.
to repair damage sizes larger than 1.5 inches in
diameter and is limited in applicability to blades or
(2) Paste Adhesive Method Procedure.
light control surfaces due to repair weight limitations.
Refer to the system speciic technical manual for
damage limits. The applicability of this repair method
(a) Clean Part.
Remove dirt, grease
depends on several factors such as loading condi-
and aircraft luids from repair area as
tions, laminate thickness, and part weight limitations.