TM 1-1500-204-23-11
Figure 7-15. Procedure for Core Replacement Using the Paste Adhesive Method
(e) Bond Replacement Core Plug.
opposite skin inner surface (if appli-
cable) and on part core cell walls
in repair cavity (the surface that
Prepare paste adhesive per para-
mates with the replacement core).
If a partial depth core plug repair
of paste adhesive for the repair
is being performed, a metallic or
application in accordance with the
pre-cured composite disc is typi-
system speciic technical manual
cally placed at the bottom of the
of Part A to Part B. The volume of
cavity to prevent the adhesive from
paste adhesive material required
illing up the core cells. If a metal-
can be estimated by multiplying
lic disc is used, the metal surface
0.25 times the amount of core cav-
ity surface area (in square inches)
the system speciic technical man-
to be covered.
Using a spatula, apply paste adhe-
sive approximately 0.1 inch thick to