TM 1-1500-204-23-11
(1) If damage cleanup hole is 1.5 inches in
diameter or less, remove damage down
to undamaged core by sanding with a 90
Exercise care to avoid cutting excessive
degree router motor and a silicon-carbide
undamaged plies or honeycomb core during
abrasive disc. Sand slowly and carefully to
material removal. Loss of structural integrity
minimize damage to the adjacent core and
may occur.
to maintain a lat surface in the core cutout
which is 90 degrees to the core cell axis.
DO NOT delaminate opposite skin inner sur-
Vacuum clean the repair area.
face when removing damaged core or damage
the adjacent core or skin when sanding. Loss
(2) Using a core slicer or core knife carefully
of structural integrity may occur.
slice down the core cell walls to separate the
core in the damage cleanup area from the
remaining part core section. Use the dam-
If the core is going to be potted rather
age cleanup hole in the skin as a guide. Slice
than replaced, core surface need not be
along the part core cell axis. Ensure core
perpendicular to the core cell wall.