TM 1-1500-204-23-11
the part is removable, wash the entire part, including
surface to dry completely (usually 15 minutes after
solvent has evaporated) before applying adhesive or
inadvertently migrating into the repair zone. Water
repair plies.
washes should not be performed in areas with skin
damage over core or areas where water intrusion
and part drying may be dificult. Use the following
(2) Method 2. Start from one side of the repair
procedure for cleaning the repair area:
and wipe straight across to the other side. After one
pass has been made, fold or lip the rag so a clean
Visually inspect part for skin pene-
area of the rag will be used. Dry wipe before solvent
trations, openings or edge delamina-
evaporates. Switch to clean cloths frequently. Repeat
until the entire area is wiped. Repeat the entire wiping
process; however, wipe a slightly smaller area, being
Mask all penetrations and openings
careful not to pull contaminates from areas that were
using water, vapor proof barrier mate-
not wiped. Repeat until the rags show no signs of
rial and pressure sensitive tape.
(usually 15 minutes after solvent has evaporated)
Clean the part using a detergent
before applying adhesive or repair plies.
cleaning compound. Apply cleaner
solution to the part using wiping cloths
(3) Cleaning Procedures. Surface cleaning is
(AMS 3819B).
critical both before and after almost every step of the
bonded repair process. Pre-cleaning removes all the
Scrub the solution into stubborn areas
gross oils, greases, dirt, etc., that might otherwise
using a nonmetallic bristle brush or
contaminate the repair surface and any tool or mate-
Scotch Brite pad (white) until the sur-
rial used in subsequent process steps. Ground in
face deposits are loosened. Do not
damage outer surface ply ibers near
fore, it is recommended to pre-clean all repair areas
panel edges or in fastener hole coun-
tersink areas.
or sanding. Use the appropriate safety equipment as
Rinse part with fresh water and dry
and wiping cloths as speciied in the system speciic
with clean, dry, lint-free wiping cloths
technical manual.
(AMS 3819B). Do not use a com-
pressed air supply to dry part as
contamination and/or damage to the
composite laminate may result.
Do not wash composite parts with high pres-
After part is dry, remove the mask-
sure washers. Damage to the part will result.
ing material carefully to prevent
pulling ibers out of the laminate.
Do not dip the wiper cloth into the solvent
Remove any remaining contamina-
container or hold the cloth to the container
tion (grease, oil, etc.) left on the part
opening when dampening the cloth. This
following detergent cleaning using
can contaminate the solvent remaining in the
lint-free wipes and solvent per para-
container. The preferred method is to squirt
or pour the solvent onto the wiper cloth.
(b) Solvent Wipe. Perform
steps for cleaning the repair area:
This cleaning process is not to be confused
with the surface cleaning process for inal
While wearing the required safety
bonding. The cleaning process for inal bond-
equipment, pour or squirt solvent
ing may differ from the procedure outlined.
onto a lint-free cloth. Wipe using the
Follow the cleaning procedure recommended
in the system speciic technical manual and
being careful not to contaminate the
the particular bonding application.
repair area. Always wipe from the
center of the repair area out towards
(a) Precleaning. When the repair is being
the edge. Follow immediately with
a clean, dry cloth before the solvent
performed adjacent to dirty or greasy areas, it is good
can evaporate. Discard the wipes
practice to wash a large surface area around the repair
after each use. Clean an area at least
using water and the appropriate aircraft cleaner. If