TM 1-1500-204-23-11
(2) Cut a piece of scrim cloth 0.25 inch larger
than the largest ply of the laminate.
Do not attempt to consolidate the patch by
placing the double bag box on aircraft or
(3) Cut one piece of porous release ilm approx-
components as it may induce damage to the
imately 3 inches larger than the largest ply of
structure. Consolidate the patch in the box
the laminate.
prior to placing it on the component.
(4) Cut one piece of non-porous release ilm
(1) Prepare the surface of the aircraft or compo-
approximately 4 inches larger than the
largest ply of the laminate. Manually pin
hole perforate on 4 inch centers.
Apply the scrim cloth if required in the system
speciic technical manual.