TM 1-1500-204-23-11
soon as possible after debulk cycle has
been completed. Do not remove the
porous release ilm from the patch.
If the inner vacuum is lost during the switch
(af) Remove the patch from the caul sheet
from the debulk cycle to the compaction cycle,
keeping the patch and porous release
the patch integrity is compromised and should
ilm intact to prevent separation of the
be scrapped.
plies and introducing air into the patch.
(ac) After the timed soak, compact the patch
(ag) After completing the debulk cycle, the
by releasing the vacuum pressure in the
laminate should be vacuum bagged as
outer bag while maintaining pressure in
soon as possible and the cure cycle ini-
the inner bag for the applicable time.
tiated within 30 minutes.
Ensure a vacuum of 20 inches of mer-
cury minimum is in the inner bag.
(5) Cure Cycle. There are two methods
described in this paragraph, Method 1: pre-curing
Check inner bag for leaks by
a laminate and Method 2: cocuring a part. If the
removing the vacuum source. The
laminate is to be cocured, proceed to Method 2.
vacuum level must not drop more
than 5 in Hg over a 5 minute time
(a) Method 1. This method uses a heat blan-
ket to pre-cure the laminate for subsequent secondary
Reapply vacuum to the bag after
layup tool/part will it in an oven, an oven may be
the leak check has been com-
used instead of the heat blanket for curing the lam-
inate. If an oven is used, omit copper sheet and
heat blanket from the layup and place thermocouples
Maintain the compaction cycle per
near the edge of the laminate. Operate the oven
the system speciic technical man-
part or a tool and later bonded to the part. Cure
according to the cure cycle speciied in the system
(ad) Turn off heat blanket and vent the vac-
uum from the inner bag.
(ae) Remove outer box and inner bag from
base plate. Remove breathers, release
ilm and bleeders from the laminate as