TM 1-1500-204-23-11
Figure 7-26. Arc Method of Locating Blind Fastener Holes (Sheet 3 of 3)
(a) Set the distance on the dividers large
tape is free of wrinkles. The speed
enough to permit an adequate arc.
tape protects the base material from
being damaged when the arcs are
scribed. Additionally, the arcs scribed in
(b) Lock the adjustment knob on the
the speed tape create a slight depres-
dividers. Use a locknut, Loctite or
sion which aid in properly locating the
equivalent. The accuracy is dependent
dividers in later steps.
on the adjustment being locked.
(c) Ensure the tips of the dividers are fairly
For each fastener hole to be transferred,
do the following:
(d) Place a piece of speed tape out of the
Place an AD rivet in the fas-
area or use a scrap piece of metal and
tener hole. Ensure rivet diameter
clearly mark the center point and scribe
matches the hole diameter. Use
an arc. This control will be used later
washers as necessary to adjust
to verify the adjustment on the dividers
the height of the rivet. The high-
has not changed.
est point of the rivet should be
the same height as the surface
of the replacement panel that will
(e) Carefully place speed tape around the
be placed there. The accuracy of
periphery of the panel location. Ensure