TM 1-1500-204-23-11
(if required) and all necessary vacuum bag
though the full cure strength will not
materials prior to mixing resin.
achieved for another 5 days.
(e) Two Part Adhesive Heat Cure Cycle
(Heat Blanket Method).
Adhesive of combined parts A and B will
be uniform in color when properly mixed.
Weigh and mix part A and part B in the
Part A of adhesive may require stirring after
correct amount as described in para-
prolonged storage as chemical agents of part
A may separate. To ensure accurate mix
are thoroughly mixed.
ratio, a minimum of 25 grams of adhesive
should be mixed.
Apply the adhesive to repair area.
Install a heat blanket and vacuum bag
(d) Two Part Adhesive Room Temperature
or heat/vacuum blanket as described
Cure Cycle Method.
sive pot life is exceeded.
Weigh and mix part A and part B in the
correct amount as described in para-
If required by the system speciic
graph 6-17. Ensure that both parts
technical manual, allow the material
are thoroughly mixed.
to set at room temperature under 20
inches of mercury vacuum minimum
Apply the adhesive to the repair area.
for the time speciied.
Ensure that pressure is applied to the
repair before the adhesive pot life is
Heat the repair area to the tempera-
exceeded. Use one of the methods
ture speciied in the system speciic
technical manual for the type of mate-
cation of the adhesive.
rial being cured, at a rate of 2-6 F per
minute. Maintain the vacuum pres-
sure speciied in the system speciic
technical manual during the entire
cure cycle.
Failure to properly cure adhesive in accor-
dance with the speciied cure cycle will result in
reduced repair strength may not be detectable
by visual or nondestructive inspection. This
may result in loss of structural integrity.
To prevent blistering, delaminations or dis-
bonds from occurring DO NOT set or adjust
Allow the material to set at room tem-
temperature controller higher than the upper
perature under pressure for a mini-
limit for the cure temperature range speciied
mum of 8 hours.
in the system speciic technical manual.
After 8 hours at room temperature,
pressure may be removed even