TM 1-1500-204-23-11
(1) Core Slicer. This cutter is made from steel.
when rotated it will cut and push the core material
It is used to slice replacement core sections from
1/4 inch beyond the void to leave a clean hole.
core kit material. The slicer cuts parallel to the cell
axis. It requires frequent sharpening during use to
f. Resin Injection Equipment. Three types of
cut effectively and prevent tearing of the thin core
equipment are commonly used for resin injection: a
foil material.
hypodermic syringe and needle, a SEMCO sealant
gun and a vacuum cup. In addition, material manu-
(2) Core Knife. The core knife is sharp on one
facturers may package their products in premeasured
edge only. It must be sharpened along its end and
cartridges with static mixing tips that are dispensed
opposite side to allow core slicing operations. It also
with hand operated guns.
requires frequent sharpening during use.
(1) Hypodermic Needles. Hypodermic needles
(3) Burr Special (Rotary File). The burr spe-
are used for manual injection of liquid resin into
cial is an inverted cone shaped rotary ile. It is
delaminations and disbonds open to the edge of
used with a 0 degree router motor and router holder
the part. The syringe assembly consists of a barrel,
to machine core lush with part mating surfaces. It
stopper and plunger rod. The needles come in various
allows clean honeycomb core cuts without core roll
diameters. The smaller diameters are more readily
over or tearing.
usable for injecting edge delaminations. However,
needles smaller than 0.022 inch outside diameter (24
gauge) are not practical to use as they require a
(4) Core Cutter. This piece of equipment is a
signiicant amount of force to get resin through them
ly cutter used to undercut honeycomb core.
and they bend easily during use. The needles are
non-sterile and for industrial use only. See igure
(5) Internal Cutter. An internal cutter can be
made from an Allen wrench. To create an internal
cutter, sharpen the short leg of the wrench so that