TM 1-1500-204-23-11
(11) Walls. Walls should be painted with a
area should have general ventilation providing from
durable, lightcolored, semigloss or gloss paint to
3 to 5 air changes per hour. Additionally, there is a
promote easy cleaning.
need for local exhaust ventilation for speciic operations
(provisions for adequate makeup air are required to
ensure the proper function of the local exhaust and
(12) Ceiling. Ceiling may be a suspended
general ventilation system). If air is recycled back
ceiling with sound absorbing tiles. Sound absorbing
into the work area, iltration is required to remove
tiles will compensate for all the other hard smooth
particulates and organic vapors. Air recycled in the
surfaces in the room, thus eliminating the echoing
machining area either from the general ventilation
and lowering the overall sound levels.
system or dust booth must be equipped with a HEPA
ilter. Recycled air is not recommended in the layup
b. Enclosure. A layup area, fully enclosed and
area. Fresh air supply must be iltered to remove
environmentally controlled for the preparation of adhe-
particulates and must be located away from fume
sives and patch materials for subsequent bonding, is
producing activities (i.e. do not locate fresh air supply
mandatory. The intermediate level layup area should
where diesel engines routinely idle, or near fume hood
contain a local exhaust hood for mixing adhesives and
resins to remove hazardous vapors. Processes or
operations which produce uncontrolled spray or fumes
d. Treatment Area. A separate metal treatment
are not permitted in the controlled area. This area
area for cleaning, degreasing, surface preparation and
may be used for curing repairs and drying compo-
priming is recommended. At the intermediate level,
nents. Curing repairs and drying may be performed
this should be performed in a local exhaust hood to
outside the layup area provided that the repair is
remove hazardous vapors. Metal treatment may be
vacuum bagged.
performed in the local exhaust hood of the layup area
as long as the process is not performed simultaneously
c. Ventilation. Adequate ventilation is a primary
with material preparation or layup operations.
consideration for a composite repair facility. Each work