TM 1-1500-204-23-11
color variations in the hardener component should not
carbon/epoxy materials also emit small amounts of
be considered, by itself, cause to reject the batch.
carbon dioxide, hydrogen cyanide, and hydrogen chlo-
ride. The toxic gases emitted from burning epoxy
matrix materials may be more toxic than the gases
f. Core. Core materials shall be stored in an
emitted from any burning aircraft. Breathing these
original shipping container, clean bag or box to protect
emitted gases should be avoided.
and weathering. Cleaned and primed detail parts that
d. Procedures to Minimize Exposure. To mini-
are to be stored rather than used immediately in
a bonded assembly, should be wrapped in wax-free
mize exposure to ire-damaged composites, only ire-
paper, black polyethylene ilm or a similar material as a
ighters equipped with fullface, self contained breathing
units should be allowed in the accident area while the
or ultraviolet exposure.
wreckage is still burning or smoldering. In addition,
the following precautions should be followed:
g. Pre-cured/Pre-primed Patches. Both pre-cur-
(1) Only essential personnel should be allowed
ed composite patches and pre-primed metallic patches
at the crash site.
should be shipped and stored in MIL-PRF-131 heat-
sealed, water-vapor proof bags. No other special
(2) All work performed at the crash site should
shipping, receiving or storage requirements exist for
be performed upwind of the wreckage.
these materials.
(3) Damaged composite parts from the
2-8. MATERIAL DISPOSAL. Fully cured waste
crash/ire shall be coated with the approved
material, composite dust, contaminated coveralls, vac-
ixant material, MIL-PRF-81309, Type II,
uum ilters, mixing cups and spatulas containing cured
after the ire is out and the wreckage has
resin can normally be disposed of as non-hazardous
waste. Place in drums or double bag and seal.
Dispose of in accordance with all Army, local, state
(4) Personnel performing operations which gen-
and Federal guidelines, laws and regulations. For
erate dust or loose ibers (such as cutting
chemical waste (uncured adhesives, solvents, etc.),
composite surfaces or moving wreckage)
dispose of as hazardous waste in accordance with
shall wear the PPE as recommended in
local, state, Federal and Army guidelines, laws and
(5) Fire-damaged parts inducted into repair
facilities and awaiting repair disposition
involved in a crash or ire, pose a potential health
shall have ire-damaged areas contained
hazard to ireighters, crash investigators, site clean-up
by wrapping the affected area with 0.006
personnel, repair personnel, and the environment. The
inch thick plastic sheet, A-A-3174. Tape
matrix material can burn, producing toxic gases as
the sheet in place with aircraft preservation
well as releasing ibers. The ibers can be broken
tape, SAE AMS-T-22085, Type II; ensure
down in size by the ire into the respirable range.
tape only contacts non ire-damaged areas.
The released ibers are very light and can be blown
If this is not possible, completely bag the
to areas beyond the crash site by prevailing winds.
a. PPE. Personnel performing operations for
crash/ire damaged composite parts which generate
DURES. Accidental chemical spills, runaway exother-
loose ibers should be protected by wearing the PPE
mic reactions and heat blanket ires are some of the
potential emergencies that can be encountered during
the repair process. Always refer to the material spe-
ciic MSDS for emergency and irst aid procedures.
or been damaged by an aircraft crash can liberate
Some general guidelines for dealing with these types
ibers small enough and in suficient quantity to be
of emergencies are listed below.
hazardous if inhaled. If the resin is still intact, the
ibers are less likely to become airborne. They may
a. Accidental Spills/Leaks. If accidental contact,
still pose a handling hazard, as they are very stiff
inhalation or ingestion occurs proceed as follows:
and can easily penetrate protective clothing.
(1) Eyes. Immediately lush with large amounts
c. Matrix Materials. Smoke emissions from burn-
of low pressure water for a minimum of 15 minutes.
ing carbon/epoxy and carbon/ bismaleimide compos-
Remove any contact lenses to ensure thorough lush-
ites consist primarily of carbon monoxide. Burning
ing. Seek immediate medical attention.