TM 1-1500-204-23-11
(2) Skin. Promptly lush with running water.
b. Structural Repair in an Uncontrolled Environ-
ment. In some cases, such as deployed environ-
Wash with soap and water. If an allergic reaction is
encountered, seek medical attention. Do not clean
ments, the control of environmental conditions and
up resin on skin with solvents as they will crack the
skin and cause a path for resin entry.
to time or cost constraints. Compromises to environ-
mental and contaminant control measures to satisfy
near term needs will generally increase future mainte-
(3) Inhalation. Remove the person to fresh
nance requirements (i.e., replacement of poor quality
air at once. Seek prompt medical attention.
repairs). Repair quality and safety of light are directly
proportional to the level of environmental and con-
(4) Ingestion. The guidelines for ingestion vary
taminant control exercised in the repair facility.
depending upon the materials ingested. Some specify
large quantities of liquid be given to dilute the ingested
c. On-Aircraft Repairs. When performing on-air-
material as well as inducing vomiting. Guidelines for
craft repairs, it is not always feasible to remove
other materials recommend vomiting not be induced.
damage or perform surface preparation for bonding
The speciic material s MSDS should be consulted for
in a separate facility.
the correct procedures. Seek medical attention.
When performing
b. Runaway Exothermic Reaction. Do not han-
machining operations, removing damage, or drilling
dle containers with materials undergoing a runaway
fastener holes; use a portable vacuum cleaner with
exothermic reaction. Exothermic emissions can be
a HEPA ilter to collect the dust at the source of
toxic and extreme temperatures can be generated.
generation. When preparing surfaces for bonding,
Do not approach the container or attempt to control
cover them immediately following the preparation step
the reaction. Do not breathe toxic gases. Depart the
by taping clean barrier material over the prepared
area immediately. Do not return until the reaction is
surface. Prepare repair materials in the environmen-
complete and the workspace has been ventilated to
tally controlled area described above and transport
remove toxic exothermic reaction products.
to the aircraft in a sealed bag. Expedite the layup of
the repair materials, heat blanket and vacuum bag
c. Heat Blanket Fires. Turn off electrical power to
to minimize environmental exposure.
the hot bonder. Avoid breathing smoke and gasses.
If ire persists, extinguish with dry chemical or carbon
a. Preparation Area. Extremely hot conditions
dioxide ire extinguisher while someone calls the ire
will severely shorten the work life of two-part resin
department. Depart the area as soon as practical.
systems. When possible, repair the aircraft during a
Ventilate the workspace before returning to work.
more hospitable time of day, for example at night in
high temperature conditions or during the day during
cold conditions. If repair must be conducted during
bottom line for successful composite repairs is to start
hot conditions in the sun, use a sun shield, tarp,
with good materials; store these materials properly,
or other covering. In cold weather, you may need
keep the repair surfaces and materials clean and dry,
to erect a tent around the portion of the aircraft to
and cure the materials correctly. Failure to keep the
supplement heat with a ground vehicle or power cart;
repair surfaces and materials clean and dry will result
being careful to keep the power cart exhaust from
in repairs that are cosmetic only. Cosmetic repairs will
contaminating the bonding surface.
not be able to carry the intended structural loads and
will fail. Meeting this basic requirement for successful
(1) Environmental Enclosures. When remov-
repairs may mean a dedicated facility, a portable
ing a component or hangering the aircraft is not an
enclosure (containment bag, tent or other structure)
option, environmental enclosures may be required for
or more crude temporary protective measures.
light line repairs. Erect an enclosure around the
repair site to aid in dust containment where feasible.
a. Structural Repair in a Controlled Environ-
Enclosures with supplemental heating or air condi-
ment. The ideal environment for performing bonded
tioning may also be necessary in extreme weather
structural repairs is controlled to minimize the effects
conditions. Hot bonders will not reach the required
of dust, dirt, temperature, humidity, and trafic low.
cure temperature when used in extremely cold con-
Adherence to these recommendations will prevent
degradation of the strength of repairs. The criteria
listed in this chapter, adapted from typical manufac-
turing requirements, are recommended for a general
repair facility.