TM 1-1500-204-23-11
2-1. GENERAL. This chapter outlines the compos-
Health Act of 1971, OSHA 1910.251; all applicable
ite repair facility requirements for composite repairs
ire codes, NFPA 410; and other accepted civilian
at organizational and intermediate level maintenance
and military safety practices.
activities. The facilities required for performing repairs
to composite structures depend upon the type of repair
b. Shop Housekeeping. Housekeeping is the
being performed. Uncured resins and adhesives used
yardstick by which the shops in the manufacturing
for bonded composite repairs are sensitive to environ-
section are judged. A clean, well arranged shop
mental exposure. Additionally, exposing the surfaces
is a safe shop and relects credit on all personnel
to be bonded to contaminates (such as hydrocar-
concerned with its operation. The following shop
bons from diesel powered equipment or mold release
practices shall be observed.
agents) will adversely affect the strength of the bond.
(1) Foot Trafic. Trafic should be restricted to
sensitive to environmental exposure; however precau-
necessary personnel only.
and ensure adhesion of sealant material. While both
(2) Eating, Drinking and Smoking. Eating,
bolted and bonded repairs can be made in an uncon-
drinking and smoking are prohibited in the controlled
trolled area, patch and adhesive material preparation
for bonded repairs must be performed in a controlled
environment. Both bolted and bonded repairs require
(3) Hand Cream. The use of hand creams or
facilities and equipment to control composite dust
generated during the repair process. Facility require-
luids, is prohibited.
ments are established by system speciic technical
manual or by the unit.
should be emptied once per shift. To prevent con-
2-2. GENERAL SHOP RULES. The practices and
tamination of the bonding/layup area, ensure that
procedures described in this paragraph pertain to
dedicated refuse containers are used. These contain-
the manufacturing and repair functions of aviation
ers shall not be cycled in and out of the bonding/layup
activities and are applicable to all levels of mainte-
area; instead remove refuse bags from the trash
nance. Because of the many types of Army aircraft,
each repair section must, of necessity have personnel
the bags in a normal fashion.
trained in general practices and procedures to the
extent that different type and model of aircraft so not
(5) Doors and Windows. Doors and windows
upset a smooth running shop.
should be kept closed unless utilized for entry of per-
sonnel or components. Windows should be included
a. Responsibility. All supervisory personnel in
in the design to allow personnel outside the room to
the repair facility are responsible for a continuing
look into the room without actually going in; this will
and effective shop safety program. To implement
aid in keeping contamination to a minimum.
and maintain this program, shop supervisors will
utilize bulletin boards, signs, and any other effective
(6) Floors. Floors should be vacuumed and/or
method. Shop personnel will cooperate in the shop
damp-mopped as needed to eliminate dust and
safety program by making helpful recommendations,
dirt. The loor should be stripped, wet-mopped, and
and continually exercising care and caution in the
resealed as necessary. The use of dust mops and
operation of all shop equipment. All shop personnel
brooms is discouraged as it stirs up the dust. The
will strive to improve the safety program and be
use of sweeping compounds shall be prohibited. Dis-
especially alert to observe and correct hazardous
posable tacky-mats should be located at the entrance
conditions and unsafe shop practices. All accidents,
to the layup area and replaced when soiled.
no matter how minor, shall be reported to the shop
supervisor, and all published instructions regarding
(7) Non-Work Surfaces. Vacuum dust collect-
safety shall be strictly adhered to. Also, safety
ing surfaces when dust is visible from 5 feet away.
engineers and safety oficers will ensure that proper
Storage cabinet tops, shelves, workbenches, and
safety procedures are adhered to in accordance with
other surfaces should be wiped with water damp-
AR 385-10, Army Safety Program; AR 385-30, Safety
ened lint-free cloths as needed. A mild detergent
Color Code Markings and Signs; AR 385-32, Protective
may be added to the water.
Clothing and Equipment; The Occupational Safety and