TM 1-1500-204-23-11
1-1. PURPOSE. This volume provides general infor-
about how to perform various mechanical functions
mation pertaining to the repair of aircraft composite
which are used on all aircraft. This volume is not
structures. The application of techniques and materi-
a requisitioning authority, and applicable repair parts
als on speciic aircraft is not covered in this volume.
and special tools lists should be consulted to obtain
Speciic aircraft application and usage are found in
the unit of issue and National Stock Number of the
the individual system speciic technical manuals. The
items required for maintenance.
purpose of this technical manual is to provide repair
methods for structures manufactured from advanced
1-2. SCOPE. General information to guide aircraft
maintenance personnel is covered in this volume;
process rationale is described (where applicable) to
however, no attempt has been made to include special
provide the repair technician with an understanding
parts or equipment which are applicable only to
of the process sensitive nature of advanced compos-
individual or special aircraft. Repair facility operations
ite repair. This manual also lists the equipment and
materials required for performing the repairs. These
and supplies are discussed in Chapter 3. Composite
repair methods are for use at organizational and inter-
mediate levels of maintenance. The repairs described
covers typical damage and assessment of composite
in this manual are permanent and will restore the part
materials. Finally, repair processes and procedures
being repaired to its required strength, stiffness and
service life. This volume is of maximum beneit to
the mechanic who desires information about compos-
1-3. CONSUMABLE MATERIALS. Refer to Appen-
ites and adhesives, composite and adhesive tools and
dix B in this volume for tools and consumable mate-
procedures, and structural repair techniques. This vol-
ume furnishes the mechanic a source of information
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