TM 1-1270-476-304-284-2. TADS TURRET ASSEMBLY REPLACEMENT (cont)30. Perform followup procedures.31. Place defective turret assembly (136) on maintenance trailer (137).a. Install universal sling assembly (138) on defective turret assembly (136) (4 above).b. Lift dolly truck assembly (139) with defective turret assembly (136) and place on maintenance trailer (137).c. Secure trailer straps across dolly truck assembly (139) on maintenance trailer (137).d. Disconnect universal sling assembly (138) from defective turret assembly (136).e. Move lifting device away from work area.NOTEEnsure the right side fairing, the left side fairing and, if wirestrike protection is incorporated, the PNVS cutter assembly accompany the defective turret assembly.32. Move maintenance trailer and defective turret assembly from maintenance area.END OF TASK
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