TM 55-1500-342-23
to ensure it is within limits. Use the reference 9
TAKEOFF CONDITION (Uncorrected) gross weight to
determine the PERMISSIBLE C.G. TAKEOFF forward
and aft c.g limits from the -10 operator's manual or
Chart E loading data. If the takeoff c.g. of reference 10
is within these PERMISSIBLE C.G. TAKEOFF limits,
and no other corrections are necessary, (i.e. temporary
equipment changes), enter the permissible limits in the
space provided in the limitations table. Enter the
uncorrected weight and c.g. values from reference 9
and reference 10 into the blocks at reference 12 and
reference 13 respectively.
The c.g. charts and tables in the Chart E
and -10 operator's manual are not accurate
enough to use near the forward and aft c.g.
limits. In those instances when the actual
c.g. is very close to the aircraft limits, the
c.g. must be arithmetically calculated to
ensure the necessary accuracy.
Reference 11. When the takeoff weight
of reference 9 and/or the takeoff c.g. of reference 10
are not within permissible takeoff weight and/or c.g.
Limits, changes in the amount or distribution of load
(reference 3 through reference 8) are required. The
necessary load adjustments must be noted in the
CORRECTIONS columns on the left-hand portion of the
Form F. Enter a brief description of the necessary load
adjustment in the left-hand column with the weight and
moment listed in the columns provided. Sum all the
weight and moment increases and/or decreases to
obtain the net change (+ or-) in the amount or
distribution of the load. Transfer the total weight and
moment adjustment to the spaces provided for
CORRECTIONS (If required) at reference 11.
If there are any temporary equipment
changes listed on DA Form 2408-13-12408-
13-1-E or DA Form 2408-1412408-14-E, they
shall be considered changes in aircraft
loading. These changes shall be entered
with the notation "EQUIPMENT CHANGES"
near the top of the CORRECTIONS table. A
brief description, weights and moments
shall be entered in the columns below this
notation. These entries shall be treated as a
variation in loading and applied to the total
entered in reference 11.
Reference 12. In the space provided for
TAKEOFF CONDITION (corrected), enter the sum of
reference 9 and reference 11. (Add if reference 11 is
positive. If it is negative, subtract reference 11 from
reference 9).
Reference 13. Enter the TAKEOFF C.G.
(Corrected), as determined from the weight and moment
values of reference 12.
The weight value from reference 12 must
again be compared with the allowable GROSS WEIGHT
TAKEOFF as shown in the LIMITATIONS table to
ensure compatibility. At the reference 12 TAKEOFF
CONDITION (Corrected) gross weight, again determine
the PERMISSIBLE C.G. TAKEOFF forward and aft c.g.
limits from the -10 operator's manual or Chart E loading
data. Recheck the takeoff c.g. of reference 13 to
ensure it is within the PERMISSIBLE C.G. TAKEOFF
limits. Enter these limits in the space provided in the
Reference 14. Determine total TAKEOFF
FUEL weight and moment from reference 7 and enter in
reference 14. List weight and moment of expendable
items such as ammunition (not including the weight of
cases and links if retained), bombs, rockets, and
external fuel tanks that are to be dropped during flight.
Explain under REMARKS, if necessary. These items
listed as LESS EXPENDABLES are considered part of
reference 14.
ESTIMATED LANDING FUEL weight and moment and
enter it in the space provided.
of the expendable weights and moments of reference 14
from the reference 12 weight and moment and adding
the weight and moment of reference 15. The use of a
minus sign (-) before the reference 14 entries and a plus
sign (+) before the reference 15 entry helps prevent
errors in completing this step.
Reference 17. Enter the ESTIMATED
LANDING C.G. as determined from the weight and
simplified moment values of reference 16.
Change 7 4-17