TM 55-1500-342-23
4-9. DD Form 365-4. (Weight and Balance
Clearance Form F).
This form, referred to as the Form F, is
used to derive the gross weight and c.g. of an aircraft.
The Form F furnishes a record of the aircraft weight and
balance status at each step of the loading process. It
serves as a worksheet on which to record weight and
balance calculations and any corrections that must be
made to insure that the aircraft will be within weight and
c.g. limits. Sufficient completed FORMS F must be
onboard the aircraft to verify that the weight and center-
of-gravity will remain within allowable limits for the
entire flight. Sufficient forms can be one (for the
specific flight) or it can be several. Several FORMS F
for various loading of crew, passengers; stores, cargo,
fuel, slingloads, etc., which result in extreme forward
and extreme aft c.g. locations and variations in gross
weight, but which remain within allowable limits may be
used to verify that a particular loading which is clearly
between these extremes would remain within limits.
The basic weight and moment obtained
from the CHART C serve as the basis for the
calculations on the FORM F. AR 95-3 provides for
some minor exceptions to this rule. Small changes in
Basic Weight and Moment due to removal or installation
of aircraft equipment or other actions may be allowed to
accumulate on the CHART C without changing the
FORMS F. (A basic weight difference of + 3/10 of 1
percent and/or a c.g. difference of 0.3 inch at the basic
weight are the maximum differences allowed by AR 95-
3 when comparing the Form F and the last entry on the
Chart C). Also, the FORM F can be utilized to record
certain items of aircraft equipment which is part of
Aircraft Basic Weight when it is temporarily added to,
removed from, or relocated within the aircraft because
of maintenance, specific mission requirements, etc.
Procedures for this situation are described in the
CHART C discussion.
There are two versions of this form,
transport and tactical. Instructions for completing both
versions of the form are as follows:
Insert necessary identifying information at
top of form.
Reference 1. Enter aircraft basic weight
information from last entry on Chart C.
If a load adjuster is used in
opposite Reference 1 the index
figure obtained from Chart C and
use index figures throughout the
form. Enter plate number of load
adjuster (located on the left end of
base) on the Form F. If Chart E or
-10 operator manual data are used
instead of a load adjuster, enter
moment/constant values
throughout the form.
Reference 2. Leave blank (oil is included
in basic weight).
Reference 3. Enter number, weight and
moment of flight crew (pilot, co-pilot, observer).
Reference 4. Enter weight and moment
of crew's baggage.
Reference 5. Enter weight and moment
of steward's equipment, if applicable.
Reference 6. Enter weight and moment
of emergency equipment not included in basic weight.
Reference 7 and 8. Enter weight and
moment of any extra equipment not included in basic
Reference 9. Enter sum of weights and
moments for Reference 1 through Reference 8,
inclusive, to obtain OPERATING WEIGHT.
Reference 10. Enter the number of
gallons, weight and moment of the fuel on board at
takeoff. List under REMARKS the fuel tanks involved
and the amount of fuel in each tank (as required).
Reference 11. Enter the number of
gallons, weight and moment of water injection fluid, if
Reference 12. Enter sum of weights and
moments for Reference 9 through Reference 11,
inclusive, to obtain TOTAL AIRCRAFT WEIGHT.
ALLOWABLE LOAD is based on takeoff, landing, and
limiting fuel restrictions determined from the -10
operator's manual or Chart E loading data. (In the case
Change 5 4-13