TM 55-1500-342-23
4-10. Chart E. Loading Data and Special Weighing
Instructions). The purpose of the loading data
contained in Chart E, (figure 4-6} is to provide the
information necessary to compute the gross weight and
balance of a loaded aircraft. The load adjuster, it
furnished, may be used for the same purpose. From the
loading graphs or tables weights and moments are
obtained for all variable load items and are added to the
current basic weight and moment from Chart C) to
obtain gross
weight and moment. If the aircraft is loaded within the
forward and aft cg limits. the resultant moment will fall
numerically between the limiting moments given in the
cg table of Chart E. The effect on the cg of the
expenditure in flight of such items as fuel and bombs
may be checked by subtracting the weights and
moments of such items from the takeoff gross weight
and moment and checking the resultant moment with
the cg table.