TM 55-1500-342-23
4-8. DD Form 365-3 (Chart C- Basic Weight and
Balance Record).
a. The CHART C is a continuous and permanent
history of the aircraft weight, moment/index and center
of gravity position. All permanent changes to the
aircraft basic weight and moment, regardless of size,
shall be recorded (typed or clearly written in ink) on the
CHART C to keep it correct and up-to-date. The last
basic aircraft weight, moment, and c.g. or index shall
be considered the most current data and the baseline for
all subsequently dated aircraft loading calculations.
b. At the time of delivery of a new aircraft, the
manufacturer enters the aircraft basic weight, moment,
and c.g. or index on the CHART C. The itemized list of
the equipment which is included in the aircraft basic
weight is shown in the first IN AIRCRAFT column under
the RECORD OF CHECKING section of the CHART A.
c. Additions and/or subtractions to the basic weight
and moment/index on CHART C will be accomplished
as follows:
Whenever equipment is added to or
removed from the aircraft, an entry must be made on
this chart. If the item is listed on the CHART A, enter
the identical item number, description and applicable
weight, arm, and moment data on the CHART C. If the
item is not listed on the CHART A, determine its weight
and arm by actual measurement or obtain this data from
the applicable MWO and record it, and the moment, on
both the CHART C and CHART A. Any change which is
caused by a specific MWO will carry a reference to the
MWO number. Do not enter check marks on the
CHART A for these items until a complete inventory is
Subsystem modifications or structural
changes shall be recorded in the same manner with the
change in weight and moment added to or subtracted
from the current total. Whenever such changes are
provisions for equipment such as structural mounts,
electrical wiring, or air conditioning, they will be listed as
separate line items.
Whenever a CHART A inventory reveals
structural changes not already recorded in the CHART
C, the change in weight and moment shall be posted as
required in the preceding paragraphs. The newly
calculated basic weight, moment
and index shall be dated to agree with the inventory
date entered on the CHART A.
Whenever an aircraft is weighed, the
CHART C will be updated to: (1) reflect any changes
resulting from the CHART A inventory and (2) show the
new basic weight, simplified moment, and index or c.g.
(DD Form 365-2). The date entered on the CHART C
shall agree with the inventory date entered on the
CHART A and the weighing date entered on FORM B.
d. Whenever the CHART C basic weight is
changed by ± 3/10 of 1% and/or basic C.G. is changed
by ± 0.3 inches, a new FORM F which reflects this
change, must be prepared. The requirement for
originating new FORM F's when aircraft equipment,
which is part of the aircraft basic weight, is temporarily
added to, removed from, or relocated within the aircraft
because of maintenance, specific mission requirements,
etc., may be eliminated by making the following entries
on the Aircraft Inspection and Maintenance Record (DA
Form 2408-13-112408-13-1-E).
In block 16 enter a Red Diagonal (/).
In block 17 enter a description of the
aircraft equipment temporarily added, removed, or
relocated. The resulting increase or decrease in aircraft
weight and moment will be included in this entry. This
entry shall conclude with the following statement:
Continue to perpetuate the entry on DD
Form 2408-13 or transfer to the Uncorrected Fault
Record (DA Form 2408-14) in accordance with current
technical manual procedures until the aircraft is returned
to the previous configuration or the CHART C is updated
to reflect the change.
Temporary changes in basic weight may
be reflected on DA Form 2408-13-1/2408-13-1-E or DA
Form 2408-14/2408-14-E for a period not-to-exceed 90
days. If not accomplished sooner, the DD Form 365-3
will be updated to reflect the temporary change at the
expiration of this 90 day period.
Change 8 4-10