TM 1-1730-232-13&P
Dry cleaning solvent P-D-680 is toxic and flammable. Always wear protective goggles and
gloves, and use only in a well-ventilated area. Avoid contact with skin, eyes, and clothes, and
DO NOT use near open flame or excessive heat. The solvent's flash point is 100°F 130°F
(38°C-59°C). If you become dizzy while using cleaning solvent, immediately get fresh air and
medical help. If solvent contacts eyes, Immediately flush your eyes with clean water and get
medical help.
Keeping the wheels assemblies clean is an Important part of PMCS procedures. Equipment that is covered with surface
dirt, grease, and oil cannot be properly inspected. Keep excess lubricants away from exterior parts that do not require
Authorization. Use only those authorized cleaning solvents or agents listed in Appendix D
Application. Use a wiping rag (item 4, Appendix D) to clean grease, oil, or rust from metal parts. After parts are
cleaned, rinse with dry cleaning solvent (item 6, Appendix D) and dry thoroughly.
Lubrication. Apply light lubricating oil (item 5, Appendix D) to all polished metal surfaces, such as clevis pins,
to prevent rusting.
The knowledge of how fluid leakage affects the status of the Ground Handling Wheels Assembly is important. Review
the classes of leaks, acceptable leaks, and unacceptable leaks discussed below
Classes of Leaks. An operator must know the following classes of leaks, in order to determine whether the
assembly is operational. Learn these leakage definitions. When in doubt, notify your supervisor
Class I
Seepage of fluid, not great enough to form drops, Is indicated by wetness or
Class II
Leakage of fluid great enough to form drops, but not great enough to cause
continuous dripping from the item being inspected.
Class III
Leakage of fluid great enough to form drops that continuously drip from the item
being inspected.
Acceptable Leakage. Equipment operation is allowed with minor Class I or II leakage. Fluid levels in an
item/system, affected with such leakage, must be checked more frequently than required in PMCS. When in doubt,
notify your supervisor.
Unacceptable Leakage. Class III leaks render the item unserviceable and must be reported to your supervisor
3-11. REPORTING REPAIRS (AVUM). All defects found while performing AVUM PMCS procedures shall be reported
on DA Form 2404, Equipment Inspection and Maintenance Worksheet, immediately after completing PMCS. All defects
shall be reported before taking corrective action, and shall be entered in the equipment log.