TM 1-1730-232-13&P
Cleaning. When the instruction "clean appears in a procedure, use the guidelines found in paragraph 3-9.
Even if a procedure does not specify cleaning, be aware of any buildup of dirt, grease, oil, or debris. Clean any such
buildup using cleaning agents authorized by Appendix D.
The AVUM shall perform the General PMCS procedures upon completion of any unscheduled
maintenance tasks and before returning the assembly to inventory or operation.
3-8.2 Specific PMCS Procedures (AVUM). The specific AVUM PMCS procedures are presented in Table 3-1. Always
perform AVUM PMCS procedures in the order listed, to establish a routine. If any defects are discovered while
performing the PMCS procedures, perform the appropriate troubleshooting tasks In Chapter 3, Section III.
Serviceability. If any component or system is not serviceable, or if a given service does not correct the
problem, notify your supervisor.
Intervals. The AVUM PMCS procedures in Table 3-1 are performed at three intervals: Quarterly, Semiannually,
and Hours. Before performing AVUM PMCS procedures, read all checks required for the applicable interval.
Cleaning Material. Cleaning agents are discussed in paragraph 3-9. Have several clean rags (item 4, Appendix
D) available when performing the AVUM PMCS procedures. All required Expendable Supplies and Materials are listed in
Appendix D.
3-8.3 Using AVUM PMCS Procedures Table. The AVUM PMCS procedures are listed in Table 3-1 and the columns in
the table are defined as follows:
ITEM NO. Column. A sequential item number is entered, indicating the logical order in which the AVUM PMCS
procedures will be performed. It is also used as a source number when recording PMCS results on DA Form 2404,
Equipment Inspection and Maintenance Worksheet.
INTERVAL Column. The time interval entered in this column, specifies how often the AVUM PMCS procedure
will be performed. A 'Quarterly" entry means that the procedure will be performed every three months A "Semiannually"
entry means that the procedure will be performed every six months. An "Hours" entry means that the procedure will be
performed when the number of specified operating hours are accumulated, since the last time the procedure was
ITEM TO BE CHECKED OR SERVICED Column. The item name that appears in the Maintenance Allocation
Chart (MAC) is entered in this column.
PROCEDURE Column. The specific check or service instruction is entered in this column. The maintenance
procedure may direct personnel to inspect, service, replace, or repair an item.
NOT FULLY MISSION CAPABLE IF: Column. The limiting condition, that prevents the item from being fully
mission capable, is entered in this column.