TM 1-1500-204-23-5Figure 2-4. Damaged Tip Repair(e)Check three-bladed propellerassembly with each blade placed in a downward verticalposition, as shown in figure 2-8.(2) Suspensionmethod.In the suspensionmethod, the propeller or part is hung by a cord, anyunbalance is determined by noting the eccentricitybetween a disk firmly attached to the cord and a cylinderattached to the assembly or part being tested. Thesuspension method is used less frequently than thesimpler and more accurate knife-edge method.b. Aerodynamic Balancing.Aerodynamicunbalance results when the thrust (or pull) of the blades isunequal. This type of unbalance can be largelyeliminated by checking blade contour and blade anglesetting.c. DynamicBalancing.Dynamic unbalance resultswhen the center of gravity of similar propeller elements,such as blades on counterweights, does not follow in thesame plane of rotation. Since the length of the propellerassembly along the engine crankshaft is short incomparison to its diameter, and since the blades aresecured to the hub so they lie in the same planeperpendicular to the running axis, the dynamic unbalanceresulting from improper mass distribution is negligible,provided the track tolerance requirements are met.d. BladeTracking.Blade tracking is the process ofdetermining the positions of the tips of the propellerblades relative to each other. The blades should all trackone another as closely as possible. The difference intrack at like points must not exceed the tolerancespecified by the propeller manufacturer. Use thefollowing procedures to check blade tracking:(1)Mount indicator, which may be a slenderpoint strip of wood or metal, on a stand, as shown infigure 2-9. Point of indicator should just touch nearestpart of the blade.(2)Rotate propeller until next blade is insame position as No. 1 blade was prior to rotation.(3)When No. 2 blade does not touch point ofindicator, measure distance from point to point nearestpoint of blade. When No. 2 blade is nearer the stand thanNo. 1 blade was, move indicator back until it just touchesNo. 2 blade.(4)Rotate propeller again until No.1 blade isdown and measure distance from pointer to blade. Withpointer set to touch nearest blade, the distance to otherblade or blades must not exceed maximum allowable inoverhaul instructions manual for applicable propeller;otherwise, propeller must be removed for overhaul.When propeller track is within repairable limits, makecorrecting adjustments in accordance with applicableaircraft or propeller maintenance manual.2-12. Propeller Installation. Propellers shall beinstalled using the applicable maintenance manual.Preparation for installation is explained by the followingprocedures:a. Depreserve serviceable propellers received fromstock following procedure outlined in applicablemaintenance manual.2-12
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