TM 1-1500-204-23-11
If bonding a pre-cured patch, place
the control thermocouple near the
Never use less than three thermocouples to
center of the patch.
A control thermocouple may be cen-
To allow for heat blanket cold edge effects,
tered over a low temperature (200 F
place the heat blanket control thermocouple
or lower) cocured patch as long as it is
near the center of the heat blanket. Place
placed on top of a thin metallic sheet
a minimum of two monitoring thermocouples
thick enough to prevent a thermocou-
ple indentation onto the patch. This
Failure to place the control thermocouple near
may allow for a more accurate control
the center of the heat blanket may result in
of the patch temperature.
an over temperature condition at the center
of the repair area.
When curing wet layup patches at
cure temperatures of 200 F and