TM 1-1500-204-23-11
ab Place the backup plate over the
repair area by sliding it onto the rod.
Install the nylon nut on the threaded
rod and tighten to apply clamping
Pressure must be applied to adhesive within
pressure to the backside seal. The
the pot life of the resin. For ambient temper-
inal installation is shown in igure
atures in excess of 90 F, decrease this time
6-34. Take care not to over torque
by 50%. An unsatisfactory repair will result
the nut on the nylon rod. Over tight-
if the resin gels before adequate pressure is
ening may cause the rod to break.
applied and may result in loss of structural
integrity. Select and prepare a heat blanket
ac Allow the paste adhesive to cure
(if required) and all necessary vacuum bag
per the system speciic technical
materials prior to mixing resin.
manual or manufacturer s guide-
lines per engineering disposition.
Apply paste adhesive to the for-
Heat may be applied, using a heat
ward side of the stiffener plate and
lamp, according to engineering
slotted disc(s). All internal com-
authority to speed up the curing
ponents of the backside seal must
process and strengthen the bond.
be coated in adhesive to minimize
Ensure the structural materials
FOD potential.
exposed to the heat area are not
exposed to excessive tempera-
Using a gloved hand, apply a light
coat of adhesive to the backside of
the repair area. Use the inspec-
ad After the adhesive is cured, remove
tion mirrors and lashlight to ensure
the nut from the threaded rod and
even coverage.
remove the backup plate, iller
plugs, and separator ilm from the
Coat the nylon rod, nuts, and
nylon rod. Carefully, cut the nylon
threads with the adhesive to ensure
rod lush with the surface of the
a good seal.
slotted disc.
Slide the stiffener plate onto the
ae Install outer moldline patch and
threaded rod with the adhesive
iller plies according to the system
side facing front. Feed the stiffener
speciic technical manual.
plate through the damage hole.
(b) Method 2, One Side Access Backside
Slide the slotted disc(s) onto the
Seal Procedure.
nylon rod with the adhesive side
facing front. Feed the slotted disc
1 Facilities, Equipment and Materi-
through the damage opening. If
als. The following items are required to perform
more than one slotted disc is used,
these steps: Temperature/Vacuum controller, Heat
be sure to insert the smallest disc
blanket, Thermocouples, Anodized and primed alu-
irst. Take care if more than one
minum sheet stock or 3 ply pre-cured composite sheet
slotted disc is used, ensure the
(Local Procurement), Inspection Mirror, Flashlight,
slots are not aligned with one
Non-porous release ilm, Solvent, Dry Fabric (See
System Speciic Technical Manual), Adhesive, Paste
(See System Speciic Technical Manual), Laminating
Using the alignment circle drawn in
Resin, Acid Brush, Wiping cloth, Abrasive sheets,
step o, line up the front slotted disc
Flashbreaker tape, Double Side tape, Wire, Safety
with the damage perimeter.
Equipment as required
aa Next, slide the precut iller plugs
2 The following tools and materials are
onto the nylon rod. Stack a sufi-
cient quantity to equal the laminate
required to perform method 2, one sided access back-
thickness in the damage opening.
side seal repair when performing the steps outlined.