TM 1-1500-204-23-11
(a) Fabricate tooling, such as fairing bars,
the breather material on top of the bag-
edge supports, and caul plates as
ging ilm.
required to prevent damage to the repair
part from vacuum pressure. The tooling
Cut a piece of porous release ilm iden-
must be fabricated from materials that
tical in size to the breather material.
can survive the repair processing envi-
Place release ilm on top of the breather
ronment in regards to temperature and
pressure. In addition, the tooling must
closely match the repair part contour to
(g) Place the part to be repaired on top of
be effective.
the stacked bagging materials damaged
side up.
(h) Position the repair part so that when
the bagging materials are folded over
Improper bagging can result in part damage
the repair part, there is suficient room
or in failed vacuum bag. Care must be taken
for the vacuum ports and sealant tape.
to ensure enough bagging material is used
Install the repair patch, thermocouples,
to follow the part contour and not bridge any
heat blankets, breathers, bleeders,
release ilm, etc., on the part as directed
by the system speciic technical manual
(b) Before beginning a repair process, per-
for the part/material being repaired.
if required.
Install any required fairing bars, edge
supports, caul plates, etc., to prevent
the bagging ilm from excessively bridg-
ing the part and possibly damaging it by
Failure to electrically insulate the thermocou-
the vacuum pressure.
ples by placing lash break tape under them
may result in a condition known as "cross-talk"
Fold and/or roll the breather mate-
and prevent the hot bonder-controller from
rial around the repair part and tooling,
functioning properly.
part contours.
(c) Connect thermocouples to the heat con-
troller and check for proper operation
(k) Run vacuum bag sealant tape around
before placing on the part. Thermo-
the three sides of the bagging material
couple readings should approximate the
that will be the bottom of the vacuum
ambient air temperature. If the thermo-
couple reading does not, replace ther-
(d) Cut a suficient amount of bagging ilm
to completely surround the part with a
Failure to separate thermocouple wires where
minimum 4-inch margin around the part
they exit the vacuum bag will result in leaks
once vacuum pressure is applied. If the
and failure to achieve minimum acceptable
bagging ilm width is less than the part to
be repaired, two pieces of bagging ilm
may be joined with vacuum bag sealant.
Route thermocouple wires, heat blan-
If the part has been removed from the
ket power cords, etc., to the edge of
aircraft and can be placed on a table,
the vacuum bag and over the vacuum
place the cut bagging ilm on the work-
sealant tape.
(m) Fold the release ilm and breather over
(e) Cut a piece of breather cloth 2 inches
the repair part.
smaller than the bagging ilm. Center