TB 1-1520-210-20-42
(b) Those aircraft that have a DD250 and are U.S. helicopters will be inspected prior to ferry to final
e. Maintenance Trainers (Category A, B, and Others). N/A.
f. Component/Parts In Stock at All Levels (Depot and Others) Including War Reserves. Upon receipt of this
TB the material condition tags of all items in all condition codes listed in paragraph 6 shall be annotated to read
"UH-1-99-ASAM-01 (TB1-1520-210-20-42) not complied with."
(1) Material Located In Wholesale Stock. N/A
(2) Material Located In Retail Stock. Report receipt of this TB lAW paragraph 14c(2). Upon receipt of this
TB, commanders and others maintaining retail stock at installation level and below shall contact the supported aviation
unit to perform the inspection required by paragraph 8 and the correction procedures of paragraph 9 on discrepant
material. Disposition of discrepant materiel will be lAW paragraph 10. Report compliance with this TB lAW paragraph
g. Components/Parts in Work. (Depot Level and Others) Same as paragraph 1.f.
Task/Inspection Suspense Date. Within next 10 flight hours or 14 days, whichever occurs first.
Reporting Compliance Suspense Date. No later than 20 November 1998 lAW paragraph 14.a. of this TB.
Summary of the Problem.
a. UH-1-98-ASAM-02 directed inspection and subsequent reporting of all UH-1 H/V aircraft for elevators
manufactured by Chem Fab Corporation.
(1) Chem Fab elevators were believed to have spar tube abrasions caused by a drilling operation used in
attaching the skin to the ribs during assembly. UH-1-98-ASAM-02 also mandated removal of all Chem Fab elevators no
later than a one year from date of the inspection.
(2) In the period since UH-1-98-ASAM-02 was issued, additional analysis of the Chem Fab elevators has been
completed. The drill marks on the Chem Fab elevator test specimens did not reduce the components fatigue strength.
However, additional deficiencies were discovered that adversely affect the long term use of these parts. Chem Fab
elevators were not manufactured lAW the technical data package. All elevators manufactured by Chem Fab Corporation
shall be removed from service upon reaching the retirement life of 3,600 flight hours or no later than 15 October 2000,
whichever occurs first.
c. The purpose of this TB is to: Revise UH-1-98-ASAM-02 to require mandatory removal of elevators
manufactured by Chem Fab Corporation upon reaching the 3,600 flight hour retirement life, but no later than 15 October
End Items to be inspected. All UH-1 H/V aircraft
Assembly Components to be Inspected..
Elevator Assembly, L/H
Elevator Assembly, R/H
Parts to be Inspected. N/A.