TM 55-1680-320-23&PChange 8 2-17Table 2-1. ORGANIZATIONAL PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES (cont)ITEMNO.INTERVALDWMAITEM TO BEINSPECTEDPROCEDURES9*Motor AssemblyVisually inspect for evidence of over-heating orshorting. Ensure electrical connector is secured.Check electrical wiring for frayedbrokenCheck electrical wiring for frayed or brokeninsulation. Check electrical motor installationfor security.9A*Motor AssemblyVisually inspect for evidence of over-heating orshorting. Check electrical connector for bent,broken or missing pins and security. Checkelectrical wiring for frayed or broken insulation.Check electrical motor installation for securityInspection shall be in accordance with Task 2-49.10*Boot AssemblyVisually inspect for cuts, tears or deterioration.Replace in accordance with Task 2-50.11*Limit Switch DriveAssyVisually inspect for cracks, nicks, corrosion. Checkelectrical wiring for frayed or broken insulation.iCheck cams for excessive play. Check sprocket forwear, nicks, burrs and chipped spline teeth. Inspectionshall be in accordance with Task2-53. Check adjustment of switch. Adjust limit switchin accordance with Task 2-54.12*Drum AssyRefer to the illustration on page 2-127. Removescrews (11) and plate (8). Visually inspect forcracks, dents, nicks. Inspect drum grooves fordistortion or abnormalities and uneven wear.Visually inspect cable kicker with a mechanicalmirror for cracks, dents or nicks.13*Drum AssyCheck alignment of drum assembly by removingpressure cover item (1) on illustration, page 2-126.While reeling in cable, observe cable travelthrough cable cutter assembly. Cable should not con-tact cable cutter. If required, align drum assembly inaccordance with Task 2-64.14*Control Panel AssyVisually inspect for cracks, dents, broken powerlight and security of switches.
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