TM 55-1680-320-23&PChange 8 2-16.1/(2-16.2 blank)Table 2-1. ORGANIZATIONAL PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES (cont)ITEMNO.INTERVALDWMAITEM TO BEINSPECTEDPROCEDURES8A*Cable AssemblyClean full length of the cable usinga clean heavy lint-free cloth. Hold clothfirmly around cable which shall aid in theremoval of foreign particles and in detectionof broken wires. Simultaneously check cablefor bird caging, kinks, abrasions and flatspots, as follows:Bird caging is stretching or untwisting ofthe outer wraps of wire strands. DuringDaily inspection of the cable assembly andperforming hoist mission, (continuously using samelength of cable) extending and retract-ing the cable outer strands to loosen, and with heldweight of the cable in the stowed position within thestorage drum bird cage may form.Prevent bird caging in accordance with Task2-59.Permit the cable outer strands to loosen, andwith the weight of the cable in the stowed positiondrum bird cage may form. Prevent bird caging inaccordance with Task 2-59.Kinks are caused by loop in the cable being pulleduptight, resulting in a sharp permanentbend.Localized worn sections or abrasions onouter wire strands are evidence of an improperly aligned or defective winchdrum. Align winch drum in accordancewith Task 2-64.Flat spots on outer wire strands are evidenceof cable misrouting or misalignment. Alignwinch drum in accordance with Task 2-64.Broken wires, strands, bird caging, kinksor flat sports are cause for cable replace-ment. Replace cable in accordance withTask 2-60.
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