TM 55-1680-320-23&P
4-1/(4-2 blank)
Output components will be preserved, packed, and marked in accordance with the Delivery Order//Contract,
Depot Maintenance Interservice Support Agreement (DMISA), Statement of Work (SOW) Memorandum of Agreement
or other authorization documents, and the accompanying DA Form 2410.
Output components from organic depot Maintenance and Overhaul (M&O) programs will be packaged in
accordance with the Army Master Data File Retrieval Microform System (ARMS) Packaging File and marked in
accordance with MIL-STD-129. Components for which a special or multi-application container is specified will be
packed in the assigned container. All other components will be packaged level A/B unless weight and dimension
requirements of MIL-STD-2073-1 & 2 specify a wood container. The level of packaging shall be level A/A when a
special/multi-application reusable container or wooden container is specified. When components are received at the
overhaul maintenance facility, the container will be inspected for serviceability in accordance with Chapter 2, TB
55-8100-200-24. Containers will be requisitioned as required to replace missing, improper, or unserviceable containers
to ensure availability of container when component is returned from overhaul maintenance facility. The AMCOM
Packaging and Transportability Branch must approve waivers, deviations, and container substitution. Written commu-
nication should be submitted to U.S. Army Aviation and Missile Command, ATTN: AMSAM-MMC-LS-DP, Redstone
Arsenal AL, 35898. Telephone inquiries may be made to Commercial (256) 842-8665 or DSN 788-8665.
All contractual matters shall be through the assigned Contracting Officer (KO). Technical communication should
be submitted to U.S. Army Aviation and Missile Command, ATTN: AMSAM-MMC-MA-NP, Redstone Arsenal AL,
35898. Telephone inquiries may be made to Commercial (256) 842-8665 or DSN 788-8665.