TM 1-1730-232-13&P
Explanations of the columns used in the Maintenance Allocation Chart in Table B-1, are as follows:
a. Group Number (Column 1). Column 1 lists the group number of the end item and assemblies of the end item.
This manual uses Group codes 00 thru 03.
b. Component/Assembly (Columns 2). Column 2 lists the name of the component or assembly assigned to the
group number listed in column 1.
c. Maintenance Function (Column 3). Column 3 lists the maintenance functions to be performed on the items
listed in column 2. This manual uses maintenance functions INSPECT, REPLACE, and REPAIR.
d. Maintenance Levels (Column 4). The maintenance levels AVUM, AVIM, and DEPOT are listed on the
Maintenance Allocation Chart in individual columns. The work times are entered for the maintenance functions
authorized at each maintenance level. Work times are presented in whole hours and/or decimal portions of hours. If a
work time has not been established, the columnar presentation will indicate '--." Maintenance levels higher than the level
of maintenance indicated, are authorized to perform the indicated function.
e. Tools and Equipment Reference Code (Column 5). Column 5 specifies, by code, those common tool sets
(not individual tools), common TMDE, and special tools, special TMDE, and special support equipment required to
perform the designated function.
f. Remarks Code (Column 6). This column contains a numerical code, which is keyed to the remarks contained in
Section IV, Table B-3.