TM 1-1670-260-12&P
0002 00
Ensure static grounding of recovery helicopter is
accomplished by allowing free end of sling lines to
touch the ground before ground crew comes in
contact with sling.
Once sling line has come in contact with ground and
after sling line comes in contact with a ground crew
member, the crewmember must maintain continuous
contact with the sling line until it is connected to the
disabled helicopter to maintain static grounding.
c. Allow end of sling line from recovery helicopter to make ground contact to discharge static electricity.
Failure to arrange sling eyes on the sling link assembly
as shown in Figure 1, View E will create an unbalanced
load on the sling link assembly and may cause the
assembly to open as tension is applied to the slings.
d. Connect the double eye end of heavy weight black/white sling (6), Figure 1, View A, (connected to the disabled
helicopter) to the single eye end of heavy weight black/white sling (14) (connected to the recovery helicopter)
using sling link assembly (15).
(1) Verify that arrangement of sling eyes is as shown in View E, with sling (6) in the Position A orientation.
e. Deploy the drogue chute if installed.
Direct recovery helicopter to place tension on the slings while the ground crew guides the slings to prevent
entanglement with the disabled helicopter.
g. Evacuate ground crew from rigging site.
h. Direct recovery helicopter to take-off with the disabled helicopter connected.
Upon reaching the destination with the disabled helicopter, the recovery helicopter must come to a hover with the
disabled helicopter a few feet off the ground. It is important that hover time be kept to a minimum to prevent
spinning of the disabled helicopter.
After the disabled helicopter has been lowered to the ground, the recovery helicopter should be directed to a point
where the slings can be released without damaging either helicopter.
0002 00-13