0025 00
TM 1-1670-260-12&P
Caution should be taken to ensure that the blue/white
sling (1) looped around the tail-boom is hooked in front
of the retractable step and secured in place before
recovery and throughout the recovery flight to ensure
that it does not slide to the rear of the tail-boom.
a. Connect the blue/white sling (1), Figure 1, View A, around the damaged helicopter tail section as follows:
(1) Locate the position on helicopter tail-section that is approximately aft of the tail landing gear and in
front of the retractable step.
(2) Loop the blue/white sling (1) under the tail-section. (View B)
(3) Connect one eye of blue/white (1) sling to box link (2) and the other eye to box link (3). (View A)
(4) Secure sling (1) to each box link using box link pin and quick-disconnect pin. (View C)
(5) Ensure that the retractable step is in the OUT position to maintain sling position.
b. Install one sling eye of green/white sling (4) to free end of box link assembly (2).
(1) Secure sling (4) to box link using box link pin and quick-disconnect pin. (View C)
c. Install one eye of green/white sling (5) to the free end of box link assembly (3).
(1) Secure sling (5) to box link using box link pin and quick-disconnect pin. (View C)
d. Place free ends of green/white slings (4) and (5) on rotor head for easy access during the shack assembly
hook-up in Paragraph 7 of this WP.
To prevent damage to tail rotor blade ensure blade is
tied down at root of the blade.
e. To prevent tail rotor blade flapping tie root of lower blade from the tail rotor to the helicopter using a fixed
length tie-down (without snap hook).
Drogue Chute Installation
Though not recommended by recovery flight parameters (Table 1), if
the ground crew determines it is necessary a drogue chute may be
attached to the damaged helicopter to facilitate stable flight.
(1) Secure drogue chute to the tail end of tail-boom. Do not deploy drogue chute until recovery helicopter
has hovered over disabled or damaged helicopter.
0025 00-4