TM 1-1670-260-12&P
0021 00
Table 3. Damaged UH-1 and Recovery Helicopter Rigging Key to Figure 1
Figure 1
Item No.
Item Description
Green/White 150 Inch (12.5 Ft)
Box Link Assembly
Green/White 150 Inch (12.5 Ft)
Blue/White 360 inches (30.0 Ft) Light Weight Sling
Blue/White 360 inches (30.0 Ft) Light Weight Sling
UH-1 Square Wedge Assembly
Shackle Assembly
Black/White 30 Ft Heavy Weight Sling with Bridle
Black/White 30 Ft Heavy Weight Sling
Sling Link Assembly
Black/White 30 Ft Heavy Weight Sling
Sling Link Assembly
Cargo Hook Thimble
b. Install one sling eye of green/white sling (3) to box link assembly (2).
(1) Secure sling (3) to box link using box link pin and quick-disconnect pin. (View B)
c. Place free end of green/white sling (3) on rotor head for easy access during the shack assembly hook-up in
Paragraph 7 of this WP.
d. To prevent tail rotor blade flapping tie the lower blade from the tail rotor to the helicopter using a fixed length
tie-down (without snap hook).
e. Drogue Chute Installation
As determined by ground crew, a drogue chute may be
attached to the damaged helicopter to facilitate stable flight.
(1) Secure drogue chute to the tail end of tail-boom. Do not deploy drogue chute until recovery helicopter
has hovered over disabled or damaged helicopter.
7. Install Forward Main Rigging (Figures 1, 2 and 3, and Table 3)
a. Remove the pilot and co-pilot doors, and remove the left and right cargo compartment doors.
b. Basket a blue/white sling (4) through the pilots door opening and out the cargo door that is on the same side
of the helicopter.
c. Basket a second blue/white sling (5) through the co-pilots door opening and out the cargo door that is on the
same side of the helicopter.
d. Separately lay both eyes of slings (4) and (5) on the rotor head for easy access during shackle assembly
hook-up in step g. of this Paragraph.
0021 00-5