0018 00
TM 1-1670-260-12&P
(5) With one hand, take hold of blade sleeve bags left side blade sleeve tab and left side blue lifting tab.
(6) With other hand, take hold of blade sleeve bags right side blade sleeve tab and right side blue lifting
(7) Rotate the blade sleeve assembly so that the TOP markings are now facing up.
(8) Orient blade sleeve open bag pocket so that it is facing away from the user holding the lifting tabs.
(9) Place the blade sleeve assembly lifting tabs from the bag and strap that are held in the left hand onto
Position 1 of the blade sleeve pole. (View B)
(10) Place the blade sleeve assembly lifting tabs being held in the right hand onto Position 2 of the blade
sleeve pole.
(11) Place the remaining blue colored lifting tab on the lower edge of the blade sleeve assembly strap
onto Position 3 of the blade sleeve pole.
(12) Verify that appropriate blade sleeve assembly bag pocket is still open, and all other bag pockets are
still closed.
(13) Pass the snap hook from one end of the adjustable length tie-down sling through the D-ring on the
blade sleeve assembly straps marked TOP and secure snap hook to loop position 3 on the
adjustable length tie-down. (View C)
(14) Connect the snap hook from the fixed length tie-down sling to the D-ring on the blade sleeve
assembly straps marked BOTTOM.
(15) The blade sleeve assembly is now ready for installation onto the rotor blade.
(16) Lift up the blade sleeve assembly with the blade sleeve pole and slide the open blade sleeve
assembly bag pocket over the forward pointing rotor blade, while a second person leads the
adjustable length tie-down and fixed length tie-down along the rotor blade.
To prevent possible damage to the main rotor system
assembly fixed length tie-downs must be secured with
approximately 18 inches of slack in the lines.
(17) Leaving approximately 18 inches of slack, secure fixed-length tie-down to the appropriate area of
(18) Using the unattached end of the adjustable length tie-down already installed repeat steps (1) through
(17) for the opposite facing rotor.
(19) Carefully orient the middle of the adjustable length tie-down sling near the main rotor mast for easy
access during the shackle assembly hook-up in step f. of this Paragraph.
(20) Repeat steps (1) through (19) above for the other set of rotor blades.
0018 00-10