0016 00
TM 1-1670-260-12&P
Flight parameters for the applicable recovery helicopter are specified in Table 1.
Table 1. Recovery Helicopter Flight Parameters
CH-47 Recovery Helicopter
UH-60 Recovery Helicopter
Maximum Airspeed:
30 Knots Indicated Air Speed (KIAS)
Maximum Bank Angle:
20 Degrees
20 Degrees
Maximum Rate-of-Climb
1000 Feet Per Minute (FPM)
1000 FPM
Maximum Rate-of-Descent
1000 Feet Per Minute (FPM)
1000 FPM
Drogue Chute
Optional (See Note Below)
Optional (See Note Below)
Maximum Allowable Vertical Load
2gs (See Note Below)
2gs (See Note Below)
Note: The maximum allowable load factor of 2gs is not measurable by the crew; therefore it shall be assumed
that the maximum vertical load factor has been exceeded during an OH-58 aerial recovery and that a post
recovery inspection shall be performed.
Recovery helicopter should take care to ensure that
the disabled helicopter is lifted first from the main
rotor hub before lifting the tail-boom to prevent
excessive loading on the tail-boom. (Recommend an
initial attitude of approximately 5 degrees nose up
prior to hoisting helicopter.)
Once the disabled helicopter is connected to the
recovery helicopter and lifted to a hover, the pitch
attitude of the disabled helicopter must be checked to
ensure a nose down attitude is achieved.
A disabled helicopter may rotate while in a hover. This
rotation may cause slings of some UMARK rigging
configurations to twist or to tighten at the main rotor
assembly. The rotation will generally stop as airspeed
is increased to approximately 5 to 10 knots. The
recovery helicopter flight crew should minimize hover
If oscillations of disabled helicopter develop during
flight, tests have shown that lowering airspeed,
returning to wings level flight, and initiating a climb
has a stabilizing effect.
It is critical for the recovery helicopter flight crew to
report any unusual occurrences. For example, vertical
bounce, severe jerking of the disabled helicopter, hard
landing of the disabled helicopter following recovery,
UMARK component failure, or exceeding the flight
parameters. Report any unusual occurrences to the
unit responsible for the disabled helicopter.
0016 00-2